Friday, July 18, 2008

I scream, you scream!!

Since yesterdays card just about made me scream, I decided to go a more simple route for last night's playtime. I'm trying to use some of the new stamps I've bought and haven't had time to play with yet (I'm not caught up yet!). So, I pulled out this one.
I new I wanted to use basic grey's two scoops, just because they both had scoop in the title! LOL! So, I thumbed through my 6x6 pad and chose this cute plaid patter that was perfect for a comfy pair of pj pants. The chair just had to be this pink with yellow flourishes, so to match the pants I added the wild wasabi flowers. I have to admit that I LOVE the shading on the carpet. I can't even tell you how I did it - I just played around until it looked like carpet you'd want to put your little bare tootsies on. For the base of the card (I have to quit using my wild wasabi for the big ol' base or I'm going to run out) I used wild wasabi. I matted a pink bazzill ticket corner punched, with black. I used the same swirl paper from the chair as a strip across the card, matted with black. The image is matted in black and then so saffron (I think I might add another mat of black on that to make it pop more. The spoon is a charm attached with glue dots. And, finally, I added amuse eye candy to the corners.


Anonymous said...

This is so cute!!! Love the colors, and that spoon!!!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet card and I like the little spoon you added.

Dori Shelton said...

Love the colors! Very cute

Jess said...

Omigosh, I LOVE the spoon! what a great detail!

Timetostamp said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and for you sweet comments! I really love this card - especially the spoon! It's making me crave ice cream :)