Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back Again!

I had a wonderful time by myself this weekend! I got a lot done. Gage was bored on Friday, so what did he do?? He ate - I mean he ate about everything in the house! So, I made him this summer fun kit. When it's rainy, like it has been, he'll have something to do. It has a model car kit, puzzle books, a book mark, a waterbottle, a small can of pringles and a snack size baggie of chex mix. I told him that those were his snacks and if he wants something else, we have fruit.

This is my first time using this high hopes stamp. It was a lot of fun. I made the rainbow with a water color pen - not exactly art, but it's cute! I sponged the sky and used copics to color the image. I kept the mat and the card simple because there is so much detail in the image.
Another high hopes stamp - this little giraffe is So cute! The vines and leaves are from clear dollar stamps. The dp is summer days from SU, the mats are real red and the card base is bashful blue. I cased the layout from Pickle Tree at SCS. I thought it worked well for this image and if I want to add a sentiment at the bottom later, that would work, too.
We had some very stormy weather all weekend. I spent time on the phone with my parents, who had Kai, while they were in the basement, riding out a tornado. Luckily, they had no damage and no injuries. The worst of the storms, thankfully, missed them and us.


  1. What a great idea about the summer gift basket. I'm filing that one away for later use (my boys are only 2 mos and 2 yrs!). Love the cards too - that giraffe is adorable!

  2. I'm with Sarah. This stuff is super cute! I love the Noah's Ark! I would definitely call that ark art! :o)

  3. That Noah's Ark stamps is awesome! I love your coloring, and will have to check out High Hopes!
