Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What's for dinner Wednesday

WOW!! Last night was productive. I finished unmounting my stamps!!! Yeah! I can fit almost all of them in the cabinet of my desk hutch. Tonight I will work on organizing since I have 3 newly empty shelves and then I hope to post pictures of my craft room on here in the next week. But, for now here's the card I made last night. My friend Christie went to the zoo with her family for mother's day. She let her son pick out a tube of snakes for Kai. So, this is their "Thanksssss" note. I was trying to incorporate the TCPTues07 challenge (sketch) and the color challenge at SCS, which was Pumpkin Pie, Soft Sky and Ruby Red. I realized about halfway through that I was working with Bashful Blue and Real Red and I was using a high hopes stamp instead of a Cat's PJ's stamp! Oh, well. I like how it turned out anyway.
I colored the snake with copics and sponged him a bashful blue sky. I cut him out using my nestabilities then made him a mat (SU summer days dp)and a scallopped mat (real red) and stamped that with a stamp from SU Basic Backgrounds using white craft ink. The background is SU summer days dp and the dots on the corners are summer days stickers. The base of the card is pumpkin pie. I know I kind of described it backwards, but that's kind of how I "built" it!
I had two messages from Tracy at (they make those fabulous fairy tale stamps that I've been using lately, not to mention some other really cute stamps) asking if she could post a couple of my cards in her gallery. I wrote her back and told her that she could use any of my cards anytime she wanted! It just made my day!
Incidently, things have calmed down with my daughter for now. We are still concerned about her, but the situation seems to have been diffused. We are working on a permanent solution to the problem, so thank you for any who sent up prayers for us!
Oh - almost forgot to post this weeks menu. I made it up so quick this morning - there are two new recipes I'm trying and some very basic old stand bys. Kai will be staying at my mom and dad's next week because I have a seminar for work and his school is closed on Friday, so it's just me and Gage. I didn't plan anything for a couple of days, because I figured we'd either have leftovers or eat out, since it's only the two of us.
Sun: Abby's Lemon Cream Chicken, Caesar Salad, pull apart herb bread
Mon: Enchilada Pie
Tues: leftovers, frozen or eat out
Wed: Crockpot BBQ Cola Chicken, mashed pot., and corn
Thurs: leftovers, frozen or eat out
Fri: Hamburgers, Baked Beans, Chips
Sat: Brats, baked beans, Chips


  1. i love the colors and layout on this!

  2. Your colors on your projects are so vibrant!! I love it! I'll definetly be back you know...when I'm not at work!!! LOL!)

  3. Such pretty colors! Hope your daughter is ok!

  4. if you get a second, i'd love to see the recipe for your bbq cola crock pot chicken :) your blog menus always make me hungry!!
