Friday, June 6, 2008

Here mojo mojo mojo!

I could not do a thing last night! I had totally lost my mojo. I made one VERY simple card and quit for the night. However, Kai got me up at 5:00 this morning, then promptly went back to his room to play. So, I decided to give it another go. This is the result. It is for the crafty secrets dots challenge and this week's SCS sketch challenge. I LOVE these colors together. Real Red and Wild Wasabi just scream summer to me. I added the Regal Rose to match Ms. Grasshopper's dress. I used print pattern dp for the dot theme as well as adding dots with pens and of course, the dots on the dress and the bugs. I like it - it turned out a lot better than anything I would have done in my fog last night!


  1. love this card! Fantastic Job!

  2. Love this card! Hey where are the stamps from? Lovely lay out! Great coloring as well!

    (offering candy)

  3. Thanks Loretta! The stamps are from crafty secrets. They have a forum on SCS.

  4. Beautiful card...great job coloring! That bug set is so cute!
