Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm baaa-aaack

Our server was down, so that's why I've been MIA lately. I did get a new movie kit made this weekend. I'm going to try to sell this one - wish me luck. I just posted it on craigslist to start with because I thought the shipping might be kind of a pain, what with the bottles. I have another project in the works right now, too. But, have to get back to Michael's sometime soon and get a couple of things to finish it.
Anyway - I had so much fun doing this kit. I love these new tropical images from Doodle Factory. I used this great dp called shabby princess - wierd name, because I was really looking for boyish, fun, summery paper. This soda box was SO much easier to cover than the crush 6-pack! Yeah, Jones soda does cost a little more, but it was worth it in the time I saved and how much better it looks without all the patchy piecing on the sides. The candy was much easier to do this time also, in that it didn't disappear, because I hid it from the boys! I decided against covering the popcorn containers because that way they can be washed and reused. I did reuse the ones from my last set, but it was a pain having to scrub all that goo off and I'm not sure someone who bought this would want to go to the trouble. I'm going to keep my eyes open for different colored popcorn containers so that I wouldn't HAVE to use red in every set. So, if you know where I can get some - leave me a comment!