Monday, June 16, 2008

Rainy monday

Kai is allergic to mosquito bites. Friday evening his arm was swollen to twice it's size. It is still that swollen. It's been like that before, but has not usually lasted this long. So, a visit to the dr. was in order. It was pouring here and my umbrella is broken (note to self - new umbrella), so I got soaked. Sure glad I spent that time straightening my hair this morning. Anyway, he got 2 medications and a steroid cream - for a mosquito bite! Poor kid!
I made this card Friday over my lunch hour for my ex husband. I wanted to use Ballet blue, soft sky and certainly celery, but since it was my lunch hour and I couldn't find the ballet blue (I have since found it) I decided to go with Cool carriean, buckaroo blue and certainly celery. The stamps are from high hopes.