Monday, June 23, 2008

Rough and tumble weekend

This card is a thank you for my mom and dad. They bought Gage a new bike this weekend. His was in bad shape and was really too small for him. He's outgrown all of us now, I think. I used SC174. I really like this sketch - I've used it three times now! Gage's new bike is orange, so I knew I wanted to use orange and I knew I wanted to use the basic grey bike paper. I paired the bike paper with the stripes from the same set and since the olive was so prominent in the paper, I chose olive to go with the pumpkin. I was trying to decide on the third color and was leaning towards a yellow, but when I pulled the olive paper off of my shelf, a scrap of blue bayou, which had somehow ened up on top of the olive came tumbling down and landed with the other colors. I really liked the combo, so there was my third color, chosen by fate! The image is Riley on a bike from Hanna Stamps colored with copics and sakura glitter pens. I stamped the thank you on the bike dp punched it with a circle punch, stuck it in the hodgepodge hardware and mounted that on a pumpkin oval.

Other than my color combo literally falling into place, nothing went as planned this weekend it seems. Thursday, Kai told me he wanted to have a "boys night". We do that once in a while. I will get the boys McDonalds - or some other food that I don't like and they watch a "silly boys movie that mom's don't want to watch". I run off to eat Chinese with my friend, Christie sans kids. So, it's fun for all of us. Well, I got the boys their food and went to drop Kai off and he switched gears on me. He said he wanted to have family night instead. I told him that I had already made plans with Christie and that we'd have family night the next night - I would fix Mama's diner (hamburgers, fries and homemade milkshakes) and we would play games or something. He thought that sounded good and so I was off! Well, we ate and then went to walmart where Christi saw someone she knew and spent a long time catching up - I didn't get home until 9:30 or so. Kai hadn't gone to bed yet because he hadn't gotten to give me a hug. So, I hugged him, kissed him, gave him an eskimo and put him to bed. Saturday, mom, dad and Emma came. I was totally in a cleaning mode, but didn't get much done before they arrived. We had some big issues with Emma, so that made for a very UNfun day. Sunday, I really was going to get the house all cleaned up. Well, at a little before 5 am, I was awoken by a sweet little voice singing The Christmas Song from the Chipmunks Movie. The song was followed by "did that sound pretty, mom?". Ok, not much sounds pretty at that time of the morning when you didn't get to bed at a decent hour the night before, but I drug myself up and told Kai it sounded awesome. We got up and played for a while and then went out to breakfast, followed by a very expensive trip to the grocery store. We did get the fridge cleaned out and the groceries put away and then got a phone call saying mom was coming to town again. So, by the time she left at around 3:00, I was exhausted. I sat down with the kids and kept falling asleep. Gage woke me up and pointed out that Kai had fallen asleep on my lap as well. Now, if Kai gets even a 10 minute nap, he is a nightmare to try to get to bed at night. So, I woke him up (bribed him outside with an icepop). Then I asked Gage if he would watch him while I took a nap. I told him to wake me up in 15 minutes - he felt sorry for me and let me sleep for over an hour, but couldn't keep Kai awake, so he slept for that long, too. So, none of us got to sleep before midnight last night. Lastly, while Gage was riding his bike, the chain slipped off and he crashed. He has road rash on his leg, a bruise on his cheekbone and his other leg is scraped up, too. He was pretty sore last night, I'll bet he's worse this morning. He took his bike over to a neighbor kid and he helped him fix the chain and even adjust the breaks. This boy is such an awesome kid - I told Gage we'd make him some cookies to thank him. So, that was my weekend. I'm pretty sleepy today, and I imagine Kai is, too, which means he'll fall asleep at daycare and I'll have to fight him at bedtime again tonight. Ugh! Hope the week gets better from here on out!


  1. I LOVE this Riley is just wonderful. You have some wonderful stampin' talent!

  2. I love this card, and what a neat idea to collage the bikes like that! OH, and your cat Wasabi is TOOOOOO CUTE!!
