Thursday, July 17, 2008

I have defeated the great white whale

I made this card for a co-worker who likes frogs and for the Color Challenge at SCS this week. I was looking through some things and came across Markie's mom's multi layer pop up slider card tutorial I had printed, but hadn't tried yet. So, I decided to give it a whirl! Over the last two days it became my white whale (you've read Moby Dick, right?). First I got confused about which side you didn't cut - yeah, I did it wrong, had to redo it. Then I punched the circle in the wrong end and didn't realize it until I actually tried to put stuff together. So, to fix that, I needed more of the basic grey dp. Off to Hobby Lobby over my lunch hour - and they didn't have it. No problem - I just cut the layers down below where I'd punched, evened it out on the other end and slapped it on some wild wasbi to add another layer so it would be the right dimensions. I think that was the last mistake I made, but it was quite an excercise in frustration. I need to learn to read the entire tutorial in advance and THEN start. I know, it seems obvious, but I am very much a fly by the seat of your pants stamper. Anyway, I finally finished it and I really like it. I'm planning to pick up more basic grey dp when I go out of town this weekend and make a matching jar. If you would like to see Faith's tutorial you can find it here:
This card was made for Mothermark's Teapot Tuesday challenge and also MFTSC39. Both of these challenges took me out of my comfort zone and the card doesn't look much like soemthing I'd usually do, but I do like it! I made the base out of night of navy then layered it with very vanilla. I added the strip and the heart using bais grey dp. The bowl is paper pieced with basic grey dp. I used rub ons inthe ovals.


  1. I love your cards! I will have to try the slide card (:

  2. LOL, you have my sympathy on the trials and tribulations, Captain Ahab.
    Would you believe I recently made 8 of the non-pop-up version and then STILL botched the next one I made - cut the wrong end. You ended up with a gorgeous card, though.
    I can't remember what thread I was reading on SCS yesterday that I followed to your blog, but here I am :-)

  3. Very nice cards! I don't know, that pop-up cards looks hard to make... maybe I try it one day. Well done!

  4. I know that slider card kicked my butt the first time I tried it too!!
    Fabulous cards!

  5. The frog card is way awesome!

    I love all your work. Very, very nicely done.

