Monday, July 7, 2008

What a great weekend

Wow - I had such a great time this weekend - I wish it could've been even longer! We went to my mom and dad's for the 4th. We shot off fire crackers, had a bbq lunch, I made a deal for my color caddy that I've been trying to trade with, so I ordered my new ink pad storage, my dd took us for a ride with her new restricted driver's license (and did quite well) and I went and saw my best friend, Cathie, who was at her mother's for the 4th. A very full, very blessed day!
The boys stayed at my mom and dad's to go fishing with Papa the next day. Emma came home with me. We rented a movie and then on Saturday went to Wichita with my friend Christi. We ate lunch and went shopping. It, too, was a really fun day. That evening we played trivial pursuit (giving each other lots of hints so it didn't take as long) and then disney charades - it was so much fun!! Emma found a Sudoku book that I had bought at the $ store just to add to a gift basket sometime. She asked if she could have it and I said she could. I told her I didn't understand how to do them - I thought you just had to guess at what numbers went where and change them around if they weren't right. Well, I didn't realize that you have to make sure there are no matching numbers in the boxes - I was just doing lines. No wonder I could never figure it out! So, she taught me how to do them and I did 11 puzzles last night while waiting for Kai to go to sleep. He's been so clingy lately - It took him 2 hours to go to sleep! So, great weekend! Hope yours was good, too!
The picture at the top of the post is of our new kitty Magik. He is my dd's cat and has come to our house so that when she comes home he'll be here and will (hopefully) be adjusted. I really wanted to name him Wonton, but Emma picked his name. He is an ornery guy. He made me think of Faith (Markiesmom) this morning because when I got up, he had the bathmat all wrinkled up - I looked under it to make sure there where no stamps, but I had shut my craft room door last night - good thing, he probably would've shredded them!

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