Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hump day

This acetate box was made for TLC182. I was happy with the way it turned out and it was easy! I've had this inkadinkado stamp for a while and had not used it yet, so that was fun. It even got a comment from my much adored idol, Faith "Markie's Mom" Hofrichter. Although I'm sure she must have to comment on a certain number of the challenges or something! LOL!

The kids and I bought some ceramic piggies awhile back and tried to decorate them. Emma's came out SO cute. And, Kai's looks like a very enthusiastic 4 year old made it. Well, I tried to use some older rubons on mine and they didn't exactly go on well. So, when I saw this metallic piggy for $2.50 at the target $1 spot, I snapped him right up. I used some SU rubons and they worked quite nicely. My plan is to use this for my stamping fund. We'll have to see how that turns out!


  1. Great box...even greater pig! What a cute way to use the rub ons!

  2. I love the pig!!! So cute, nice card!

  3. how many ways can you say 'adorable'?! I can't think of enough, I love both of these great projects!
