Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A different kind of bling

My 13 year old son came into my studio the other night as I was finishing a card. "I thought you weren't making cards anymore," he said. "Why would you think that?" I asked. I might have looked at him like he had 3 heads, because I have a lot of stamping stuff, including a few sets that haven't even been inked yet. "Well, I thought you were making jewelry now," He said. "I'm doing both," I told him. "How are you going to do both. You're always in here saying you have to make a card for this person and that person. You're not going to have time to make jewelry, too," he said. I assured him that I would have time for both and him as well, but that if he wanted to spend even more time together, he could give up video games, I'd give up jewelry and we'd spend all our time together stamping. :) I think I'm safe!
Actually, the jewelry goes pretty quickly, at least for me. I made both the above bracelet and the necklace over there in about 45 minutes or so over the holiday weekend.
I didn't do anything last night. I lifted a little bitty box at work, not knowing it had books in it and was very heavy. OUCH! Plus, my little guy had a nap at his new daycare yesterday, so didn't go to sleep well. I was getting very frustrated with him after I'd been up there for almost an hour and a half, putting him back in his bed over and over (it's easier just to stay on the stairs, rather than climb two flights of stairs everytime I have to put him back in bed). Finally, Gage, in one of his better moments, came up and said he was going to bed early. He didn't even say anything about rescuing his poor, sore-bellied mama from the naughty 4 year old. He can be a real sweetie sometimes. I made sure I remembered to thank him this morning.


  1. That bracelet is GORGEOUS, I love the colours in the flat round beads. Don't wear much jewellery, but when I do it's colour that I like, and primary, not wishy-washy pastels. Couldn't help a chuckle at your negotiating techniques, LOL.
    Watch yourself - we have someone back in work after 8 weeks off for a hysterectomy, and although she's happy to be back and being at home is way more exposure to lifting and so on, she's not 100% over it yet.

  2. hey there girl, I make jewelry too. Isn't it fun. I think that all crafts intertwine with each other. I made these beads out of paper for my sister then make her a long necklace, a two strand short neckleace and a bracelet. I had to finish it up so quickly I didn't get a picture but it turned out really cute. I got the paper bead tutorial on split coast stampers.
