Friday, January 2, 2009

Frenchy's Friday Inspiration Face-Off

OK - it's a brand-spankin' new year. What are your resolutions? Got 'em? Now - that's your inspiration for the day. Make a card inspired by your New Year's Resolutions. Here are a couple of mine that I was inspired by: Remember to be grateful (this is a thank you note), try to use more of my old stamps in a new way rather than buying new ones (ok, you know there will be exceptions in cases of emergency when there are great new stamps released, but for this card I used a retired SU set), simplify (although I'm planning to apply this to my life rather than my projects, this is a very simple card).

I started out with Big Celebrations, which I bought when it was retiring a couple of years ago, but I've only used it a few times. Rather than using my old stand by copics, I used SU markers with a watercolor pen to color it. I sponged a little baha breeze on the edge to compliment the blue color (You can't see it well in the picture) in the basic grey DP. I cute the image and it's black mat with nesties as well as the layers of the card. I placed them all on a real red card base, added dots ala markie's mom and tied on a ribbon. So, show me what you've got: make a card inspired by your resolutions and post a link here. If you post to SCS use the keyword FFIF12.


  1. What a great resolution and a fabulous card. I'm so glad you mentioned what stamp that was. I just love it.

  2. I forgot about this stamp! I really like this.
