Monday, March 21, 2011

Beautiful Dog

This is Suki. She died two years ago next November. She was such a sweet dog and I've been missing her lately. The ice cream truck drove through the neighborhood the other day playing "Do Your Ears Hang Low" and it reminded me of her. She was a full-size dog on short legs who thought she was a lap dog. She loved everyone - used to bed hop so that all of got a turn to snuggle with her. She didn't bay or slober (much) like most basset hounds do. And, she was so patient with Kai from the time he was baby to even when he was a terrorizing toddler. No dog will ever compare to her, so I haven't ever tried to replace her.
The layout is made using a Max and Whiskers kit from basic grey. The "beautiful" embellishment is a brad that I've had forever - no idea what brand it is. The rub-on heart is Elsie.

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