Sunday, January 15, 2012

OK - I suck

I know I was supposed to keep up better this year. I wasn't even going for daily - but weekly would have been nice. I have been keeping up with my photos for the Project 365. However, I've noticed that my photography skills are not as sharp as they used to be. So, I'm doing some research online and trying to improve my photo-taking.

Now - I do have excuses as to why I haven't been blogging. It's been a roller coaster of a new year so far - with my dad going into the hospital and my daughter deciding (against my wishes) to switch colleges. It has been a challenging past couple of weeks. Hopefully, things will start to calm down some - although it looks as if my dad is going to have to have a couple of surgeries. So, please forgive me if I'm not around. I do have good intentions.

And - I have been crafting. Again - like last year, I haven't always gotten a snappy of my project, but I have gotten some. I will share some of my thank you notes that I made - I didn't even get them sent until last week and, some of them, are still with me waiting to be written!

This one is done with an SU set - It's Snow Time, using Baha Breeze, Wild Wasabi and Cherry Cobbler with Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses DP and SU Wild Wasabi ribbon. I used a little liquid applique on the snowman's hat and for the snow.

I did all of my cards with the same Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses DP paired with Wild Wasabi, Cherry Cobbler, Baha Blue and a little Pink Pirouette. This one features a cute little penguin from SU Polar Pals. I used some glitter on the iceberg and a glitter pen for the heart on the penguin. The coloring on this card and the one above is done with copics.

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