Friday, May 2, 2008

As promised - crockpot sticky chicken recipe

I went to the grocery store last night and spent an ungodly amount of money, considering the only meat I bought was a bag of chicken breasts and a package of brats. So, I HAVE to be careful about taking my lunch to work now. My friend Christi was going to have her nails done with her daughters, so I took her 4 year old son Jace, Kai's buddy, shopping with me. Believe it or not, I spent so long getting all the things on my list that I was just finishing up when Christi called and said they were done!
On the up side - I checked my bank account this morning and my tax credit had been deposited. So, for those of you still waiting - keep the faith. They are coming!

I promised to post my chicken recipe, so here it is:

Crockpot Roast Sticky Chicken

4 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons
1 teaspoon
cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon
onion powder
1 teaspoon
dried thyme
1 teaspoon
white pepper
1/2 teaspoon
garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon
1 whole chicken

Combine all the spices to make a rub. Rinse the chicken and pat dry. Rub the mix all over the outside and the inside of chicken. Place breast side up in crockpot and cook on low for 8 hours.

Now, I was skeptical the first time I made this about having no liquid in the crockpot, but the chicken makes it's own stock and it is amazing! It's a little too strong-flavored for me to use for chicken and noodles, but is wonderful to use in making soups! The first night we fix this, we have roast chicken. But, since it's a whole chicken and there are just the three of us (one who doesn't eat half the time) there is lots of leftover chicken. This is my favorite part of this recipe. I use it to make chicken salad, chicken enchiladas, garlic chicken pizza, chicken manicotti, huntington chicken, chicken crescent squares or chicken dip (like buffalo chicken dip - yum). The other thing I love about making it this way, is that it makes it so easy to pick the chicken - it is just FALLING off the bone.

So - on to crafting. Since I spent so long at the grocery store last night I didn't get anything made. In fact, after I got Kai to bed, I crashed in my big ol' chair and didn't even get all of the groceries put away. I try to store most stuff (dry goods) in containers to keep it fresh and save space, so it takes some effort to get stuff put away. Right now it's waiting for me on my island and I'll get it put away tonight after work - I'll have to if I want any room to make dinner!

But, anyway, I thought I'd post this card. The powers that be at emailed me and asked if they could post this in their gallery. I gave permission. When I checked this morning it wasn't up yet, but I thought I'd show it off here.
I stamped the background scene on Georgia Pacific cardstock and colored it with copics, except the sky which is sponged with bashful blue. The cow was also stamped on GP and colored with copics then raised up with dimensionals. The sentiment is from Las Vegas Stamps. If you can't read it, it says "Deja moo - the feeling that you've heard this bull before". I just loved the sentiment matched with that look on the cows face! I can't remember where I got the cow spot ribbon. But, the dp is western sky from SU and the cardstock used is ruby red and basic black. I love to do cartoony scenes like this.
Speaking of cows, my boss came in yesterday and said "knock knock". I, of course, said "who's there". To which he replied "Interrupting cow". Then when I started to say "interrupting cow who", he interrupted me with "MOO!". I had actually heard this joke before, it was Emma and Gage's absolute fave when they were little. But, I still think it's funny. A word of caution thought - if you share this joke with your kids you'll be hearing it for a LONG time, with variations using different animals! LOL! Anyway, hope you all have a great day!


  1. okay, i am definitely trying this chicken recipe. i really don't like to cook so anything that i can dump in one pot and run sounds good to me :) and if i can use leftovers, too ... bonus!

    your cow card is cute and i am going to try that joke out on my kidlets right now! they love knock knock jokes and i am getting tired of the only two they know so far :)

    i will visit again soon ... this was fun!

  2. Wow, great coloring! This card is awesome, tfs!

  3. Cute card!! I am going to have to try the crockpot meal. I bookmarked youto come back to it

  4. Adorable! I love this little barn scene!
