Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Monday!

I made this card last night for one of the attorney's in my office. The inside says: "Look who's turning 50!". I used sketch challenge # 174 for the layout. I sat for a long time trying to decide if I should use design paper (and if so, which one) or just make my own using the "who" stamp. After considering and rejecting a lot of color combos, I decided to use both! So, I made the card out of real red. I stamped "who" on so saffron with cool carribean. I inked the so saffron with so saffron, marigold morning and pumpkin pie, then matted it with my mind's eye dp. Then I matted the two different my minds eye dp with old olive, inked with old olive. I cut the ovals with my colluzzle. The owl and the branch are colored with copics. The owls eyes and the hat pom pom are popped up on dimensionals. I really liked the way it turned out - thank goodness because after all those rejected color combos and decision making time it took me over an hour and a half!

I had a pretty productive weekend. I got this card made, unmounted a half of a shelf of stamps (I have 3 shelves in all), got Kai's room cleaned (with his help), got the house cleaned several times (that old adage about cleaning the house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing is true), made my killer brownies, did laundry, went shopping and went to dinner with a friend sans children! My friend Christi and I both have 4 year olds and older children, so we try to get out by ourselves once in a while and leave the siblings to babysit the little kids. I call it "boys night". I ususally let Gage get Chinese takeout and get Kai McDonald's (right next door to the Chinese place - how convenient is that??) and rent a movie from red box.

My menu plan, did not work out as planned, of course. Friday night, Gage was asleep at dinnertime (he and Kai both have colds) so, Kai and I had pizza rolls and carrot sticks. Saturday was the day Christi called to see if I wanted to go out to dinner, so boys night that night. Last night we had the fajita chicken. Gage doesn't like fajitas, but I always assumed it was because he doesn't like "raw" tortillas. But, he was griping about not liking fajita meat, so then Kai started saying he wasn't eating it either. Well, I fix dinner and that's what you eat at my house if you want to eat. So, they tried it and you know what?? They loved it! I forgot all about the chicken I was going to make in the crockpot, so I had Gage put it in the crockpot this morning. He said he cut it a little bit when he was cutting off the packaging so it's now an Emo chicken! LOL!! Maybe I should change the name of the recipe. So, we're having chicken tonight, which will be better anyway, since Gage doesn't feel well and probably won't want to make meatloaf tonight.

Oh - one more thing! I was going to share a tip with all of you that I found somewhere in cyberspace - if I could remember where, I'd definitely give credit. When I fold my laundry, I take an entire outfit - undies, socks, shirt and shorts (or jeans) fold them and put them into a gallon size baggie. I put them in a small basket and Kai can put his own clothes away without unfolding them. He can also just go grab one in the morning and get dressed by himself. This has worked really well for me. I bought one box of baggies and I just reuse them over and over.


  1. Love the owl! You do some terrific work!

  2. fun blog :) this card is adorable! i love that owl and it is perfect for a 50th bday .. the look on his face is hilarious! i also think you made a great choice on ds paper and your own "who" background. very creative :)

  3. Your card is adorable! Love the colors and the owl is so cute!

  4. I love this card. The owl just POPS! He's great.

  5. That owl is hilarious!! What company is it from?? Great card!

  6. I got the owl at Cornish Heritage Farms.
