Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Caught up!

I discovered the Devine Design Challenge to make something with a bible verse on it every month this month. So, I was 4 months behind (we post on the 8th). So,I'm caught up for this challenge anyway and now I'm ready for May.

For Job 12:10 "In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.", I wanted to include both "creature" and "mankind". I had these rubbernecker stamps that had yet to see ink. So, I inked 'em up. I stamped the cabin on certainly celery prints dp and finished out the hillside. Then I mounted that on almost amethyst print dp. I pulled out my trusty color wheel and found cc and aa listed with cameo coral, so that's what I used for the card and to mat my verse. The cabin and the moose were stamped on GP cardstock, colored with copics then cut out and adhered to the card.
For Phillipians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.", I used MFT's Serenity Now stamp. I stamped in on GP cardstock and colored it with copics (I really love my copics). The card base is done with bashful blue. The background is delight in life dp. The verse is inked in so saffron and cameo coral then matted on so saffron. The stickers are from the delight in life pack, as well.
Gage had speech therapy yesterday. He has asthma and in the last couple of years has had some real issues with sinus problems. He had sinus surgery a year ago in Jan. and had his tonsils removed, too. That helped for about six months and since Sept. the poor kid just hasn't felt well. After several rounds of antibiotics, which never totally worked, we were referred back to his ENT. He determined that it wasn't a sinus problem and sent us to an allergist. After finding no allergies, he sent us to a pumonologist (yeah, we're REALLY tired of doctors). They did some tests and determined that he has a vocal chord disfuntion wherein his vocal cords close up and make him feel like he can't breathe. So, he has to drink LOTS of water and had to go to speech therapy to learn some breathing excercises. I really hope this helps him. I'm so tired of him feeling sick all the time.
We didn't get done with therapy until almost 6, so we went and picked up Kai and headed home. I picked the chicken last night, but totally forgot about the stock until I went in the kitchen this morning and realized it was still sitting on the counter. It's not a really big deal since we don't eat soups much in the summer, but it would have kept in the freezer until we needed it - I was so mad at myself. I didn't get my lunch made this morning, so I'll either have to hurry home and try to throw something together or get something and bring it back to the office.
I'm a little discouraged because I didn't get much done last night. I did get the two bible verses made, picked the chicken and did some laundry. But, I need to make my lemon bars and blueberry bread (maybe tonight as it's errand night and all I have to do is recheck a few books, which I can do online). I'm also planing to make some chicken salad and some bread. I'd also like to get some more stamps unmounted, but I don't see that happening! Well, someday I'll get it all done and it might even stay that way for a day or so!

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