Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What's for dinner Wednesday!

No craft item to show today. I attempted a diorama card last night. Mistake #1, instead of printing the directions with pictures I just wrote them down, Mistake #2, I talked on the phone to my dd while trying to make the card, Mistake #3, I just didn't plan well. So, my card was a bust. I put it together wrong using that pink sticky tape and you know that tape doesn't unstick! So, I will have to try again. I can reuse the images that I colored at least! So, if you want to check out some of my past projects, you can visit my gallery at
This is a play on the Monday Menu plans I've seen on other blogs. I do my menus on Wednesday when the new sales ad comes in the newspaper. Here is next week's menu:
Saturday: Brats, baked beans, chips, Carrots, fruit
Sunday: Mother's day - not sure what we're doing for lunch - I suggested grilling, so we may have leftovers from lunch or we may just go out to dinner - I ain't cookin' it's my day!
Monday: Gage's night to cook - meatloaf, mashed pot., corn and rolls
Tuesday: Huntington chicken, caesar salad (Bag extra for Thurs), broccoli, rolls
Wednesday: Pork Loin, Marie's applesauce jello salad, multigrain mini loaves
Thursday: Italian Chicken Casserole, Caesar Salad, breadsticks
Friday: Ruebens, Chips, Carrots, Fruit


  1. Hi Frenchy! All of your cards are so cute! I especially like the Koala bear! Thanks for the chicken recipe too...I think I might make that this weekend! Thanks for sharing! {jill b}

  2. Great meals for the week! They all sound great! We may steal this idea. Can you share some of the recipes, such as the applesauce jello salad and the Italian Chicken Casserole?
