Monday, November 3, 2008

Better late than never

I got this fun comforter set from Target right before my surgery, back in August. I'd been meaning to replace the light blue candles I had that matched my other comforter since then. So, I finally got to it. I used some flourish stamps (I don't remember the brand) and SU Best Blossoms. I stamped them on tissue paper with Chocolate Chip and Pink Passion. I then wrapped the tissue paper around the candles and then heated with my embossing gun. The embossing gun melts the candle just a bit and the tissue paper like melts into the candle. It is awesome and SO easy! The best part about it is that those super cheap $ store candles work great for it. So, if you're looking for an Christmas gift idea - this is a good one! Here's a close up look of the candles:

And, here's a look at the kitty that seems to be neglected by my blog, Citrus (AKA Cityboy):
Well, for those of you who are wondering - I had a great first day at my new job! The people seem very nice!
I did look at the Technique challenge this morning and while I loved it, I had to skip it, because I don't have any corner punches. Maybe Santa will put one in my stocking! But, I will be sure to join in the color challenge tomorrow and maybe even TCP (The Cat's Pajamas) Tuesday!


  1. I love those candles! They are gorgeous on that holder!

  2. Glad the first day went well, it's always tiring with a new learning curve. That flowery candle especially is gorgeous. We used to have marmalade cats like that at one stage, the first family cats I can rememember. Hope the rest of the week goes well and you'll be settled in to everything by the end.

  3. Those candles turned out great and match beautifully.

  4. Happy to hear that your first day went good. Those candles are gorgeous!

  5. The candles are lovely and go so well with the comforter!

  6. Wow what a pretty set and Love those candles

  7. Glad to hear your first day went well. Thats a neat candle holder but love how you decorated the candles!
