Sunday, November 2, 2008

No cards today

Ugh - I'm so tired! I went to church this morning and then immediately drove out to St. John (where my parents live) to help my dad, the hopeless volunteer, with the Victorian Tea. I sold cookbooks from 1:00 to 5:30. My mom warned me, as always to watch for deer - they are lookin' for love this time of year and we all know what that does to your brains, so they forget that they aren't supposed to dash out in front of cars. I promised to watch for them, although, I must confess, I can't see the little boogers. My mom can - she'll even point them out and I never see them until we're right there. Well, on the way home a guy had his brights on and I couldn't see anything, so I flashed my lights at him. He no more dimmed them and I saw a doe running right out in front of me. I swerved (yeah, I know you're not supposed to do that) and, thank God she turned around and ran back the other way, so I missed her, but it was SO close! It scared me so badly! But, here I am, home, safe and sound. I'm starting a new job tomorrow (yeah!) and I've begun to worry about what I'm going to wear. So, I did what all good stampers do - I posted the question over on splitcoast and I'm waiting for sage advice from fellow stampers! I've been working on a project with the December releases for CDS (I know we just had Nov., but that's how it works), but I've finally finished it, so more stamping on tomorrow's blog, I promise! Maybe I'll even do Monday's technique challenge. No promises, though, I promised not to buy things just to do the challenges. See you tomorrow - hope you had a great weekend and will have a wonderful week to come!


  1. That was great of you to help out your Dad! Looking forward to seeing what you have for tomorrow!

  2. Glad you are home safe and sound. And congrats on the new job, hope its a awesome day for you.

    Your cards have been awesome, your stamping is so cool, I have yet to get into stamping too much. You are so creative with them.

    Have a good week and enjoy your new job.

  3. You are soooo lucky you didnt hit that doe!!! I would have im sure of it. I have a hard time seeing at night.

    Im glad you are safe, and not hurt:) When I was reading your story about it I thought you were going to say you hit her. Im glad your ok!!! . My husband has hit 2 in his new truck when he first got it, and it was gone for months, and then he got his truck back out of the shop, and 5 days later hit another one. Yikes!!! Anyways Thank God he was fine! And You are tooo!!!


  4. Pheww... glad you missed the deer and your ok!
